
class pvfactors.geometry.base.BaseSurface(coords, normal_vector=None, index=None, param_names=None, params=None)[source]

Base surfaces will be extensions of LineString classes, but adding an orientation to it (normal vector). So two surfaces could use the same linestring, but have opposite orientations.

__init__(coords, normal_vector=None, index=None, param_names=None, params=None)[source]

Create a surface using linestring coordinates. Normal vector can have two directions for a given LineString, so the user can provide it in order to be specific, otherwise it will be automatically calculated, but then the surface won’t know if it was supposed to be pointing “up” or “down”. If the surface is empty, the normal vector will take the default value.

  • coords (list) – List of linestring coordinates for the surface

  • normal_vector (list, optional) – Normal vector for the surface (Default = None, so will be calculated)

  • index (int, optional) – Surface index (Default = None)

  • param_names (list of str, optional) – Names of the surface parameters, eg reflectivity, total incident irradiance, temperature, etc. (Default = None)

  • params (dict, optional) – Surface float parameters (Default = None)


__init__(coords[, normal_vector, index, ...])

Create a surface using linestring coordinates.


Calculate remaining surface after removing part belonging from provided linestring,


Get parameter value from surface.

plot(ax[, color, with_index])

Plot the surface on the given axes.


Update surface parameters.
