Source code for pvfactors.geometry.timeseries

"""Timeseries geometry tools. They allow the vectorization of geometry

import numpy as np
from pvfactors.config import DISTANCE_TOLERANCE
from pvfactors.geometry.base import PVSurface, ShadeCollection
from shapely.geometry import GeometryCollection

[docs]class TsShadeCollection(object): """Collection of timeseries surfaces that are all either shaded or illuminated. This will be used by both ground and PV row geometries."""
[docs] def __init__(self, list_ts_surfaces, shaded): """Initialize using list of surfaces and shading status Parameters ---------- list_ts_surfaces : \ list of :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsSurface` List of timeseries surfaces in collection shaded : bool Shading status of the collection """ self._list_ts_surfaces = list_ts_surfaces self.shaded = shaded
# TODO: maybe the ts surfaces should have a "shaded" attribute @property def list_ts_surfaces(self): """List of timeseries surfaces in collection""" return self._list_ts_surfaces @property def length(self): """Total length of the collection""" length = 0. for ts_surf in self._list_ts_surfaces: length += ts_surf.length return length @property def n_ts_surfaces(self): """Number of timeseries surfaces in the collection""" return len(self._list_ts_surfaces) def get_param_weighted(self, param): """Get timeseries parameter for the collection, after weighting by surface length. Parameters ---------- param : str Name of parameter Returns ------- np.ndarray Weighted parameter values """ return self.get_param_ww(param) / self.length def get_param_ww(self, param): """Get timeseries parameter from the collection with weight, i.e. after multiplying by the surface lengths. Parameters ---------- param: str Surface parameter to return Returns ------- np.ndarray Timeseries parameter values multiplied by weights """ value = 0 for ts_surf in self._list_ts_surfaces: value += ts_surf.length * ts_surf.get_param(param) return value def update_params(self, new_dict): """Update timeseries surface parameters of the segment. Parameters ---------- new_dict : dict Parameters to add or update for the surfaces """ for ts_surf in self._list_ts_surfaces: ts_surf.params.update(new_dict) def at(self, idx): """Generate a ponctual shade collection for the desired index. Parameters ---------- idx : int Index to use to generate shade collection Returns ------- collection : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.base.ShadeCollection` """ list_surfaces = [ for ts_surf in self._list_ts_surfaces if not] return ShadeCollection(list_surfaces, shaded=self.shaded)
[docs]class TsSurface(object): """Timeseries surface class: vectorized representation of PV surface geometries."""
[docs] def __init__(self, coords, n_vector=None, param_names=None, index=None, shaded=False): """Initialize timeseries surface using timeseries coordinates. Parameters ---------- coords : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsLineCoords` Timeseries coordinates of full segment index : int, optional Index of segment (Default = None) n_vector : np.ndarray, optional Timeseries normal vectors of the side (Default = None) index : int, optional Index of the timeseries surfaces (Default = None) shaded : bool, optional Is the surface shaded or not (Default = False) """ # TODO: ts surfaces should have a shaded attribute self.coords = coords self.param_names = [] if param_names is None else param_names # TODO: the following should probably be turned into properties, # because if the coords change, they won't be altered. But speed... self.n_vector = n_vector self.params = dict.fromkeys(self.param_names) self.index = index self.shaded = shaded
def at(self, idx): """Generate a PV segment geometry for the desired index. Parameters ---------- idx : int Index to use to generate PV segment geometry Returns ------- segment : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.base.PVSurface` \ or :py:class:`~shapely.geometry.GeometryCollection` The returned object will be an empty geometry if its length is really small, otherwise it will be a PV surface geometry """ if self.length[idx] < DISTANCE_TOLERANCE: # return an empty geometry return GeometryCollection() else: # Get normal vector at idx n_vector = (self.n_vector[:, idx] if self.n_vector is not None else None) # Get params at idx # TODO: should find faster solution params = _get_params_at_idx(idx, self.params) # Return a pv surface geometry with given params return PVSurface(, shaded=self.shaded, index=self.index, normal_vector=n_vector, param_names=self.param_names, params=params) def plot_at_idx(self, idx, ax, color): """Plot timeseries PV row at a certain index, only if it's not too small. Parameters ---------- idx : int Index to use to plot timeseries PV surface ax : :py:class:`matplotlib.pyplot.axes` object Axes for plotting color_shaded : str, optional Color to use for plotting the PV surface """ if self.length[idx] > DISTANCE_TOLERANCE:, color=color) @property def b1(self): """Timeseries coordinates of first boundary point""" return self.coords.b1 @property def b2(self): """Timeseries coordinates of second boundary point""" return self.coords.b2 @property def centroid(self): """Timeseries point coordinates of the surface's centroid""" return self.coords.centroid def get_param(self, param): """Get timeseries parameter values of surface Parameters ---------- param: str Surface parameter to return Returns ------- np.ndarray Timeseries parameter values """ return self.params[param] def update_params(self, new_dict): """Update timeseries surface parameters. Parameters ---------- new_dict : dict Parameters to add or update for the surface """ self.params.update(new_dict) @property def length(self): """Timeseries length of the surface""" return self.coords.length @property def highest_point(self): """Timeseries point coordinates of highest point of surface""" return self.coords.highest_point @property def lowest_point(self): """Timeseries point coordinates of lowest point of surface""" return self.coords.lowest_point @property def u_vector(self): """Vector orthogonal to the surface's normal vector""" u_vector = (None if self.n_vector is None else np.array([-self.n_vector[1, :], self.n_vector[0, :]])) return u_vector @property def is_empty(self): """Check if surface is "empty" by checking if its length is always zero""" return np.nansum(self.length) < DISTANCE_TOLERANCE
[docs]class TsLineCoords(object): """Timeseries line coordinates class: will provide a helpful shapely-like API to invoke timeseries coordinates."""
[docs] def __init__(self, b1_ts_coords, b2_ts_coords, coords=None): """Initialize timeseries line coordinates using the timeseries coordinates of its boundaries. Parameters ---------- b1_ts_coords : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsPointCoords` Timeseries coordinates of first boundary point b2_ts_coords : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsPointCoords` Timeseries coordinates of second boundary point coords : np.ndarray, optional Timeseries coordinates as numpy array """ self.b1 = b1_ts_coords self.b2 = b2_ts_coords
def at(self, idx): """Get coordinates at a given index Parameters ---------- idx : int Index to use to get coordinates """ return self.as_array[:, :, idx] @classmethod def from_array(cls, coords_array): """Create timeseries line coordinates from numpy array of coordinates. Parameters ---------- coords_array : np.ndarray Numpy array of coordinates. """ b1 = TsPointCoords.from_array(coords_array[0, :, :]) b2 = TsPointCoords.from_array(coords_array[1, :, :]) return cls(b1, b2) @property def length(self): """Timeseries length of the line.""" return np.sqrt((self.b2.y - self.b1.y)**2 + (self.b2.x - self.b1.x)**2) @property def as_array(self): """Timeseries line coordinates as numpy array""" return np.array([[self.b1.x, self.b1.y], [self.b2.x, self.b2.y]]) @property def centroid(self): """Timeseries point coordinates of the line coordinates""" dy = self.b2.y - self.b1.y dx = self.b2.x - self.b1.x return TsPointCoords(self.b1.x + 0.5 * dx, self.b1.y + 0.5 * dy) @property def highest_point(self): """Timeseries point coordinates of highest point of timeseries line coords""" is_b1_highest = self.b1.y >= self.b2.y x = np.where(is_b1_highest, self.b1.x, self.b2.x) y = np.where(is_b1_highest, self.b1.y, self.b2.y) return TsPointCoords(x, y) @property def lowest_point(self): """Timeseries point coordinates of lowest point of timeseries line coords""" is_b1_highest = self.b1.y >= self.b2.y x = np.where(is_b1_highest, self.b2.x, self.b1.x) y = np.where(is_b1_highest, self.b2.y, self.b1.y) return TsPointCoords(x, y) def __repr__(self): """Use the numpy array representation of the coords""" return str(self.as_array)
[docs]class TsPointCoords(object): """Timeseries point coordinates: provides a shapely-like API for timeseries point coordinates."""
[docs] def __init__(self, x, y): """Initialize timeseries point coordinates using numpy array of coords. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray Timeseries x coordinates y : np.ndarray Timeseries y coordinates """ self.x = x self.y = y
def at(self, idx): """Get coordinates at a given index Parameters ---------- idx : int Index to use to get coordinates """ return self.as_array[:, idx] @property def as_array(self): """Timeseries point coordinates as numpy array""" return np.array([self.x, self.y]) @classmethod def from_array(cls, coords_array): """Create timeseries point coords from numpy array of coordinates. Parameters ---------- coords_array : np.ndarray Numpy array of coordinates. """ return cls(coords_array[0, :], coords_array[1, :]) def __repr__(self): """Use the numpy array representation of the point""" return str(self.as_array)
def _get_params_at_idx(idx, params_dict): """Get the parameter values at given index. Return the whole parameter when it's None, a scalar, or a dictionary Parameters ---------- idx : int Index at which we want the parameter values params_dict : dict Dictionary of parameters Returns ------- Parameter value at index """ if params_dict is None: return None else: return {k: (val if (val is None) or np.isscalar(val) or isinstance(val, dict) else val[idx]) for k, val in params_dict.items()}