Source code for pvfactors.geometry.pvrow

"""Module will classes related to PV row geometries"""

import numpy as np
from pvfactors.config import COLOR_DIC
from pvfactors.geometry.base import \
    BaseSide, _coords_from_center_tilt_length, PVSegment
from shapely.geometry import GeometryCollection, LineString
from pvfactors.geometry.timeseries import \
    TsShadeCollection, TsLineCoords, TsSurface
from import cosd, sind

[docs]class TsPVRow(object): """Timeseries PV row class: this class is a vectorized version of the PV row geometries. The coordinates and attributes (front and back sides) are all vectorized."""
[docs] def __init__(self, ts_front_side, ts_back_side, xy_center, index=None, full_pvrow_coords=None): """Initialize timeseries PV row with its front and back sides. Parameters ---------- ts_front_side : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.pvrow.TsSide` Timeseries front side of the PV row ts_back_side : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.pvrow.TsSide` Timeseries back side of the PV row xy_center : tuple of float x and y coordinates of the PV row center point (invariant) index : int, optional index of the PV row (Default = None) full_pvrow_coords : \ :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsLineCoords`, optional Timeseries coordinates of the full PV row, end to end (Default = None) """ self.front = ts_front_side self.back = ts_back_side self.xy_center = xy_center self.index = index self.full_pvrow_coords = full_pvrow_coords
@classmethod def from_raw_inputs(cls, xy_center, width, rotation_vec, cut, shaded_length_front, shaded_length_back, index=None, param_names=None): """Create timeseries PV row using raw inputs. Note: shading will always be zero when pv rows are flat. Parameters ---------- xy_center : tuple of float x and y coordinates of the PV row center point (invariant) width : float width of the PV rows [m] rotation_vec : np.ndarray Timeseries rotation values of the PV row [deg] cut : dict Discretization scheme of the PV row. Eg {'front': 2, 'back': 4}. Will create segments of equal length on the designated sides. shaded_length_front : np.ndarray Timeseries values of front side shaded length [m] shaded_length_back : np.ndarray Timeseries values of back side shaded length [m] index : int, optional Index of the pv row (default = None) param_names : list of str, optional List of names of surface parameters to use when creating geometries (Default = None) Returns ------- New timeseries PV row object """ # Calculate full pvrow coords pvrow_coords = TsPVRow._calculate_full_coords( xy_center, width, rotation_vec) # Calculate normal vectors dx = pvrow_coords.b2.x - pvrow_coords.b1.x dy = pvrow_coords.b2.y - pvrow_coords.b1.y normal_vec_front = np.array([-dy, dx]) # Calculate front side coords ts_front = TsSide.from_raw_inputs( xy_center, width, rotation_vec, cut.get('front', 1), shaded_length_front, n_vector=normal_vec_front, param_names=param_names) # Calculate back side coords ts_back = TsSide.from_raw_inputs( xy_center, width, rotation_vec, cut.get('back', 1), shaded_length_back, n_vector=-normal_vec_front, param_names=param_names) return cls(ts_front, ts_back, xy_center, index=index, full_pvrow_coords=pvrow_coords) @staticmethod def _calculate_full_coords(xy_center, width, rotation): """Method to calculate the full PV row coordinaltes. Parameters ---------- xy_center : tuple of float x and y coordinates of the PV row center point (invariant) width : float width of the PV rows [m] rotation : np.ndarray Timeseries rotation values of the PV row [deg] Returns ------- coords: :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsLineCoords` Timeseries coordinates of full PV row """ x_center, y_center = xy_center radius = width / 2. # Calculate coords x1 = radius * cosd(rotation + 180.) + x_center y1 = radius * sind(rotation + 180.) + y_center x2 = radius * cosd(rotation) + x_center y2 = radius * sind(rotation) + y_center coords = TsLineCoords.from_array(np.array([[x1, y1], [x2, y2]])) return coords def surfaces_at_idx(self, idx): """Get all PV surface geometries in timeseries PV row for a certain index. Parameters ---------- idx : int Index to use to generate PV surface geometries Returns ------- list of :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.base.PVSurface` objects List of PV surfaces """ pvrow = return pvrow.all_surfaces def plot_at_idx(self, idx, ax, color_shaded=COLOR_DIC['pvrow_shaded'], color_illum=COLOR_DIC['pvrow_illum'], with_surface_index=False): """Plot timeseries PV row at a certain index. Parameters ---------- idx : int Index to use to plot timeseries PV rows ax : :py:class:`matplotlib.pyplot.axes` object Axes for plotting color_shaded : str, optional Color to use for plotting the shaded surfaces (Default = COLOR_DIC['pvrow_shaded']) color_shaded : str, optional Color to use for plotting the illuminated surfaces (Default = COLOR_DIC['pvrow_illum']) with_surface_index : bool, optional Plot the surfaces with their index values (Default = False) """ pvrow = pvrow.plot(ax, color_shaded=color_shaded, color_illum=color_illum, with_index=with_surface_index) def at(self, idx): """Generate a PV row geometry for the desired index. Parameters ---------- idx : int Index to use to generate PV row geometry Returns ------- pvrow : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.pvrow.PVRow` """ front_geom = back_geom = original_line = LineString( self.full_pvrow_coords.as_array[:, :, idx]) pvrow = PVRow(front_side=front_geom, back_side=back_geom, index=self.index, original_linestring=original_line) return pvrow def update_params(self, new_dict): """Update timeseries surface parameters of the PV row. Parameters ---------- new_dict : dict Parameters to add or update for the surfaces """ self.front.update_params(new_dict) self.back.update_params(new_dict) @property def n_ts_surfaces(self): """Number of timeseries surfaces in the ts PV row""" return self.front.n_ts_surfaces + self.back.n_ts_surfaces @property def all_ts_surfaces(self): """List of all timeseries surfaces""" return self.front.all_ts_surfaces + self.back.all_ts_surfaces @property def centroid(self): """Centroid point of the timeseries pv row""" centroid = (self.full_pvrow_coords.centroid if self.full_pvrow_coords is not None else None) return centroid @property def length(self): """Length of both sides of the timeseries PV row""" return self.front.length + self.back.length @property def highest_point(self): """Timeseries point coordinates of highest point of PV row""" high_pt = (self.full_pvrow_coords.highest_point if self.full_pvrow_coords is not None else None) return high_pt
[docs]class TsSide(object): """Timeseries side class: this class is a vectorized version of the BaseSide geometries. The coordinates and attributes (list of segments, normal vector) are all vectorized."""
[docs] def __init__(self, segments, n_vector=None): """Initialize timeseries side using list of timeseries segments. Parameters ---------- segments : list of :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.pvrow.TsSegment` List of timeseries segments of the side n_vector : np.ndarray, optional Timeseries normal vectors of the side (Default = None) """ self.list_segments = segments self.n_vector = n_vector
@classmethod def from_raw_inputs(cls, xy_center, width, rotation_vec, cut, shaded_length, n_vector=None, param_names=None): """Create timeseries side using raw PV row inputs. Note: shading will always be zero when PV rows are flat. Parameters ---------- xy_center : tuple of float x and y coordinates of the PV row center point (invariant) width : float width of the PV rows [m] rotation_vec : np.ndarray Timeseries rotation values of the PV row [deg] cut : int Discretization scheme of the PV side. Will create segments of equal length. shaded_length : np.ndarray Timeseries values of side shaded length from lowest point [m] n_vector : np.ndarray, optional Timeseries normal vectors of the side param_names : list of str, optional List of names of surface parameters to use when creating geometries (Default = None) Returns ------- New timeseries side object """ mask_tilted_to_left = rotation_vec >= 0 # Create Ts segments x_center, y_center = xy_center radius = width / 2. segment_length = width / cut is_not_flat = rotation_vec != 0. # Calculate coords of shading point r_shade = radius - shaded_length x_sh = np.where( mask_tilted_to_left, r_shade * cosd(rotation_vec + 180.) + x_center, r_shade * cosd(rotation_vec) + x_center) y_sh = np.where( mask_tilted_to_left, r_shade * sind(rotation_vec + 180.) + y_center, r_shade * sind(rotation_vec) + y_center) # Calculate coords list_segments = [] for i in range(cut): # Calculate segment coords r1 = radius - i * segment_length r2 = radius - (i + 1) * segment_length x1 = r1 * cosd(rotation_vec + 180.) + x_center y1 = r1 * sind(rotation_vec + 180.) + y_center x2 = r2 * cosd(rotation_vec + 180) + x_center y2 = r2 * sind(rotation_vec + 180) + y_center segment_coords = TsLineCoords.from_array( np.array([[x1, y1], [x2, y2]])) # Determine lowest and highest points of segment x_highest = np.where(mask_tilted_to_left, x2, x1) y_highest = np.where(mask_tilted_to_left, y2, y1) x_lowest = np.where(mask_tilted_to_left, x1, x2) y_lowest = np.where(mask_tilted_to_left, y1, y2) # Calculate illum and shaded coords x2_illum, y2_illum = x_highest, y_highest x1_shaded, y1_shaded, x2_shaded, y2_shaded = \ x_lowest, y_lowest, x_lowest, y_lowest mask_all_shaded = (y_sh > y_highest) & (is_not_flat) mask_partial_shaded = (y_sh > y_lowest) & (~ mask_all_shaded) \ & (is_not_flat) # Calculate second boundary point of shade x2_shaded = np.where(mask_all_shaded, x_highest, x2_shaded) x2_shaded = np.where(mask_partial_shaded, x_sh, x2_shaded) y2_shaded = np.where(mask_all_shaded, y_highest, y2_shaded) y2_shaded = np.where(mask_partial_shaded, y_sh, y2_shaded) x1_illum = x2_shaded y1_illum = y2_shaded illum_coords = TsLineCoords.from_array( np.array([[x1_illum, y1_illum], [x2_illum, y2_illum]])) shaded_coords = TsLineCoords.from_array( np.array([[x1_shaded, y1_shaded], [x2_shaded, y2_shaded]])) # Create illuminated and shaded collections is_shaded = False illum = TsShadeCollection( [TsSurface(illum_coords, n_vector=n_vector, param_names=param_names, shaded=is_shaded)], is_shaded) is_shaded = True shaded = TsShadeCollection( [TsSurface(shaded_coords, n_vector=n_vector, param_names=param_names, shaded=is_shaded)], is_shaded) # Create segment segment = TsSegment(segment_coords, illum, shaded, n_vector=n_vector, index=i) list_segments.append(segment) return cls(list_segments, n_vector=n_vector) def surfaces_at_idx(self, idx): """Get all PV surface geometries in timeseries side for a certain index. Parameters ---------- idx : int Index to use to generate PV surface geometries Returns ------- list of :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.base.PVSurface` objects List of PV surfaces """ side_geom = return side_geom.all_surfaces def at(self, idx): """Generate a side geometry for the desired index. Parameters ---------- idx : int Index to use to generate side geometry Returns ------- side : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.base.BaseSide` """ list_geom_segments = [] for ts_seg in self.list_segments: list_geom_segments.append( side = BaseSide(list_geom_segments) return side def plot_at_idx(self, idx, ax, color_shaded=COLOR_DIC['pvrow_shaded'], color_illum=COLOR_DIC['pvrow_illum']): """Plot timeseries side at a certain index. Parameters ---------- idx : int Index to use to plot timeseries side ax : :py:class:`matplotlib.pyplot.axes` object Axes for plotting color_shaded : str, optional Color to use for plotting the shaded surfaces (Default = COLOR_DIC['pvrow_shaded']) color_shaded : str, optional Color to use for plotting the illuminated surfaces (Default = COLOR_DIC['pvrow_illum']) """ side_geom = side_geom.plot(ax, color_shaded=color_shaded, color_illum=color_illum, with_index=False) @property def shaded_length(self): """Timeseries shaded length of the side.""" length = 0. for seg in self.list_segments: length += seg.shaded.length return length @property def length(self): """Timeseries length of side.""" length = 0. for seg in self.list_segments: length += seg.length return length def get_param_weighted(self, param): """Get timeseries parameter for the side, after weighting by surface length. Parameters ---------- param : str Name of parameter Returns ------- np.ndarray Weighted parameter values """ return self.get_param_ww(param) / self.length def get_param_ww(self, param): """Get timeseries parameter from the side's surfaces with weight, i.e. after multiplying by the surface lengths. Parameters ---------- param: str Surface parameter to return Returns ------- np.ndarray Timeseries parameter values multiplied by weights Raises ------ KeyError if parameter name not in a surface parameters """ value = 0. for seg in self.list_segments: value += seg.get_param_ww(param) return value def update_params(self, new_dict): """Update timeseries surface parameters of the side. Parameters ---------- new_dict : dict Parameters to add or update for the surfaces """ for seg in self.list_segments: seg.update_params(new_dict) @property def n_ts_surfaces(self): """Number of timeseries surfaces in the ts side""" n_ts_surfaces = 0 for ts_segment in self.list_segments: n_ts_surfaces += ts_segment.n_ts_surfaces return n_ts_surfaces @property def all_ts_surfaces(self): """List of all timeseries surfaces""" all_ts_surfaces = [] for ts_segment in self.list_segments: all_ts_surfaces += ts_segment.all_ts_surfaces return all_ts_surfaces
[docs]class TsSegment(object): """A TsSegment is a timeseries segment that has a timeseries shaded collection and a timeseries illuminated collection."""
[docs] def __init__(self, coords, illum_collection, shaded_collection, index=None, n_vector=None): """Initialize timeseries segment using segment coordinates and timeseries illuminated and shaded surfaces. Parameters ---------- coords : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsLineCoords` Timeseries coordinates of full segment illum_collection : \ :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsShadeCollection` Timeseries collection for illuminated part of segment shaded_collection : \ :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.timeseries.TsShadeCollection` Timeseries collection for shaded part of segment index : int, optional Index of segment (Default = None) n_vector : np.ndarray, optional Timeseries normal vectors of the side (Default = None) """ self.coords = coords self.illum = illum_collection self.shaded = shaded_collection self.index = index self.n_vector = n_vector
def surfaces_at_idx(self, idx): """Get all PV surface geometries in timeseries segment for a certain index. Parameters ---------- idx : int Index to use to generate PV surface geometries Returns ------- list of :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.base.PVSurface` objects List of PV surfaces """ segment = return segment.all_surfaces def plot_at_idx(self, idx, ax, color_shaded=COLOR_DIC['pvrow_shaded'], color_illum=COLOR_DIC['pvrow_illum']): """Plot timeseries segment at a certain index. Parameters ---------- idx : int Index to use to plot timeseries segment ax : :py:class:`matplotlib.pyplot.axes` object Axes for plotting color_shaded : str, optional Color to use for plotting the shaded surfaces (Default = COLOR_DIC['pvrow_shaded']) color_shaded : str, optional Color to use for plotting the illuminated surfaces (Default = COLOR_DIC['pvrow_illum']) """ segment = segment.plot(ax, color_shaded=color_shaded, color_illum=color_illum, with_index=False) def at(self, idx): """Generate a PV segment geometry for the desired index. Parameters ---------- idx : int Index to use to generate PV segment geometry Returns ------- segment : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.base.PVSegment` """ # Create illum collection illum_collection = # Create shaded collection shaded_collection = # Create PV segment segment = PVSegment(illum_collection=illum_collection, shaded_collection=shaded_collection, index=self.index) return segment @property def length(self): """Timeseries length of segment.""" return self.illum.length + self.shaded.length @property def shaded_length(self): """Timeseries length of shaded part of segment.""" return self.shaded.length @property def centroid(self): """Timeseries point coordinates of the segment's centroid""" return self.coords.centroid def get_param_weighted(self, param): """Get timeseries parameter for the segment, after weighting by surface length. Parameters ---------- param : str Name of parameter Returns ------- np.ndarray Weighted parameter values """ return self.get_param_ww(param) / self.length def get_param_ww(self, param): """Get timeseries parameter from the segment's surfaces with weight, i.e. after multiplying by the surface lengths. Parameters ---------- param: str Surface parameter to return Returns ------- np.ndarray Timeseries parameter values multiplied by weights """ return self.illum.get_param_ww(param) + self.shaded.get_param_ww(param) def update_params(self, new_dict): """Update timeseries surface parameters of the segment. Parameters ---------- new_dict : dict Parameters to add or update for the surfaces """ self.illum.update_params(new_dict) self.shaded.update_params(new_dict) @property def highest_point(self): """Timeseries point coordinates of highest point of segment""" return self.coords.highest_point @property def lowest_point(self): """Timeseries point coordinates of lowest point of segment""" return self.coords.lowest_point @property def all_ts_surfaces(self): """List of all timeseries surfaces in segment""" return self.illum.list_ts_surfaces + self.shaded.list_ts_surfaces @property def n_ts_surfaces(self): """Number of timeseries surfaces in the segment""" return self.illum.n_ts_surfaces + self.shaded.n_ts_surfaces
[docs]class PVRowSide(BaseSide): """A PV row side represents the whole surface of one side of a PV row. At its core it will contain a fixed number of :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.base.PVSegment` objects that will together constitue one side of a PV row: a PV row side can also be "discretized" into multiple segments"""
[docs] def __init__(self, list_segments=[]): """Initialize PVRowSide using its base class :py:class:`pvfactors.geometry.base.BaseSide` Parameters ---------- list_segments : list of :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.base.PVSegment` List of PV segments for PV row side. """ super(PVRowSide, self).__init__(list_segments)
[docs]class PVRow(GeometryCollection): """A PV row is made of two PV row sides, a front and a back one."""
[docs] def __init__(self, front_side=PVRowSide(), back_side=PVRowSide(), index=None, original_linestring=None): """Initialize PV row. Parameters ---------- front_side : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.pvrow.PVRowSide`, optional Front side of the PV Row (Default = Empty PVRowSide) back_side : :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.pvrow.PVRowSide`, optional Back side of the PV Row (Default = Empty PVRowSide) index : int, optional Index of PV row (Default = None) original_linestring : :py:class:`shapely.geometry.LineString`, optional Full continuous linestring that the PV row will be made of (Default = None) """ self.front = front_side self.back = back_side self.index = index self.original_linestring = original_linestring self._all_surfaces = None super(PVRow, self).__init__([self.front, self.back])
@classmethod def from_linestring_coords(cls, coords, shaded=False, normal_vector=None, index=None, cut={}, param_names=[]): """Create a PV row with a single PV surface and using linestring coordinates. Parameters ---------- coords : list List of linestring coordinates for the surface shaded : bool, optional Shading status desired for the PVRow sides (Default = False) normal_vector : list, optional Normal vector for the surface (Default = None) index : int, optional Index of PV row (Default = None) cut : dict, optional Scheme to decide how many segments to create on each side. Eg {'front': 3, 'back': 2} will lead to 3 segments on front side and 2 segments on back side. (Default = {}) param_names : list of str, optional Names of the surface parameters, eg reflectivity, total incident irradiance, temperature, etc. (Default = []) Returns ------- :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.pvrow.PVRow` object """ index_single_segment = 0 front_side = PVRowSide.from_linestring_coords( coords, shaded=shaded, normal_vector=normal_vector, index=index_single_segment, n_segments=cut.get('front', 1), param_names=param_names) if normal_vector is not None: back_n_vec = - np.array(normal_vector) else: back_n_vec = - front_side.n_vector back_side = PVRowSide.from_linestring_coords( coords, shaded=shaded, normal_vector=back_n_vec, index=index_single_segment, n_segments=cut.get('back', 1), param_names=param_names) return cls(front_side=front_side, back_side=back_side, index=index, original_linestring=LineString(coords)) @classmethod def from_center_tilt_width(cls, xy_center, tilt, width, surface_azimuth, axis_azimuth, shaded=False, normal_vector=None, index=None, cut={}, param_names=[]): """Create a PV row using mainly the coordinates of the line center, a tilt angle, and its length. Parameters ---------- xy_center : tuple x, y coordinates of center point of desired linestring tilt : float surface tilt angle desired [deg] length : float desired length of linestring [m] surface_azimuth : float Surface azimuth of PV surface [deg] axis_azimuth : float Axis azimuth of the PV surface, i.e. direction of axis of rotation [deg] shaded : bool, optional Shading status desired for the PVRow sides (Default = False) normal_vector : list, optional Normal vector for the surface (Default = None) index : int, optional Index of PV row (Default = None) cut : dict, optional Scheme to decide how many segments to create on each side. Eg {'front': 3, 'back': 2} will lead to 3 segments on front side and 2 segments on back side. (Default = {}) param_names : list of str, optional Names of the surface parameters, eg reflectivity, total incident irradiance, temperature, etc. (Default = []) Returns ------- :py:class:`~pvfactors.geometry.pvrow.PVRow` object """ coords = _coords_from_center_tilt_length(xy_center, tilt, width, surface_azimuth, axis_azimuth) return cls.from_linestring_coords(coords, shaded=shaded, normal_vector=normal_vector, index=index, cut=cut, param_names=param_names) def plot(self, ax, color_shaded=COLOR_DIC['pvrow_shaded'], color_illum=COLOR_DIC['pvrow_illum'], with_index=False): """Plot the surfaces of the PV Row. Parameters ---------- ax : :py:class:`matplotlib.pyplot.axes` object Axes for plotting color_shaded : str, optional Color to use for plotting the shaded surfaces (Default = COLOR_DIC['pvrow_shaded']) color_shaded : str, optional Color to use for plotting the illuminated surfaces (Default = COLOR_DIC['pvrow_illum']) with_index : bool Flag to annotate surfaces with their indices (Default = False) """ self.front.plot(ax, color_shaded=color_shaded, color_illum=color_illum, with_index=with_index) self.back.plot(ax, color_shaded=color_shaded, color_illum=color_illum, with_index=with_index) @property def boundary(self): """Boundaries of the PV Row's orginal linestring.""" return self.original_linestring.boundary @property def highest_point(self): """Highest point of the PV Row.""" b1, b2 = self.boundary highest_point = b1 if b1.y > b2.y else b2 return highest_point @property def lowest_point(self): """Lowest point of the PV Row.""" b1, b2 = self.boundary lowest_point = b1 if b1.y < b2.y else b2 return lowest_point @property def all_surfaces(self): """List of all the surfaces in the PV row.""" if self._all_surfaces is None: self._all_surfaces = [] self._all_surfaces += self.front.all_surfaces self._all_surfaces += self.back.all_surfaces return self._all_surfaces @property def surface_indices(self): """List of all surface indices in the PV Row.""" list_indices = [] list_indices += self.front.surface_indices list_indices += self.back.surface_indices return list_indices def update_params(self, new_dict): """Update surface parameters for both front and back sides. Parameters ---------- new_dict : dict Parameters to add or update for the surface """ self.front.update_params(new_dict) self.back.update_params(new_dict)